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Sunday, May 5, 2024

New Music: Teff Hinkson Calls on Rihanna’s Brother, Gallest to Deliver So Insecure


Bajan artist Teff Hinkson releases his latest single, So Insecure, featuring fellow countryman Gallest. In the track, the pair speak about the insecurities that riddle women (and men) and the societal pressures that often encourage them. The rhythmic single, produced by Mohamed Haniff and Yuri Koller, develops an airy ambience, while maintaining balance with a catchy hook and relatable context.


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It’s crazy moving between Barbados and Toronto and seeing all these beautiful girls affected by the same insecurities. I feel like I hit the nail on the head with the theme of this song. The world is on the Caribbean’s eggplant emoji right now if you get me. That makes my accent golden right now so my message should get across just fine.” – Teff Hinkson

Teff Hinkson – So Insecure ft. Gallest (BTS)

Follow @teffhinkson

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